
Begrotingstekorten maken is simpelweg een verborgen truuk om welvaart te confisceren. Goud staat dit geniepige proces in de weg. Goud blijft eigendomsrechten beschermen.

Alan Greenspan, 1966

"There is no way to keep money safe from all the threats to it. The only way to keep your money "safe" is to grow it faster than it is nibbled away."

Gerald Loeb

"Teldar Paper, Mr. Cromwell, Teldar Paper has 33 different vice-presidents each earning over 200,000 dollars a year. Now, I have spent the last two months analyzing what all these guys do, and I still can't figure it out."

Gordon Gekko in de film Wall Street

“To achieve a multi-bagger in the portfolio, you have to hold a multi-bagger in the portfolio. Don’t bother finding the next multi-bagger if you aren’t going to develop the conviction to hold it. You will have to hold while it is cheap, expensive, loved, hated and volatile.“

Ian Cassel

"The single greatest edge an investor can have is a long term orientation."

Seth Klarman

"“You’ve got to decide whether you are a speculator or not. Never get attached to things. Getting attached to things decreases your mobility, the capacity to move fast when the need arises. Once you get yourself rooted, your efficiency as a speculator goes down markedly."

Max Gunther, The Zurich Axioms

"Never ask anyone for their opinion, forecast, or recommendation. Just ask them what they have - or don't have - in their portfolio."

Nassim Taleb, Skin in the Game

"To make any kind of gain in life - a gain of wealth, personal stature, whatever you define as "gain" - you must place some of your material and/or emotional capital at risk. That is the law of the universe."

Max Gunther, The Zurich Axioms

Ik hou van quotes en citaten ... maar uiteindelijk moet je kennis kunnen omzetten in actie. Zoniet is het waardeloos.

Tony Robbins

"De daling van de rhodiumprijs zal hoogstwaarschijnlijk uitmonden in een diepe, zware crash in 2023. Mogelijk naar een rhodiumprijs van 5.000 dollar of lager."

uit Analyse van 31/12/2022 toen rhodium aan 12.250 dollar noteerde

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